Building a wakepark in a tourist recreation area
Wakepark Brombachsee – Full Size Cable
Difficulty level: MEDIUM
Project type: Increasing attractiveness and exploiting location potentials with respect for nature
Location: Absberg (Bayern), Germany
Property: Wakepark Brombachsee
Installation period: 2019-2020
Product: 1x Wakeparx Full Size Cable
Specifications: 6-tower FSC-System, 8 carriers, 571,6 m cable length, anti-clockwise
Initial Situation
Our reference project at the reservoir Kleiner Brombachsee near Absberg shows that a cable park can be an excellent solution to increase the attractiveness of a tourist region as well as to find new and exploit existing location potentials in the best possible way – with respect for nature.
The project included the construction of a full-size cable system in Wakeparx premium quality in a landscape conservation area in the south of Nuremberg. Kleiner Brombachsee is a large reservoir in the centre of the Franconian Lake District. It is home to the holiday resort of Absberg, which is well frequented by tourists and promises recreation for all ages. Our customers successfully operate a camping site there, which allows visitors to camp close to nature and offers a wide range of leisure activities.
In 2016, our customers initially started with a Sesitec System 2-tower system and took over the operation of the Zeltwiese Absberg. In 2019, they commissioned us to build a premium full-size cable system, which shows the current expansion status of the wakepark at the site.

© Dan Deak Bardos
Baseline: campsite at large reservoir Kleiner Brombachsee
Soil: predominantly regular soil / topsoil
Water: natural lake (bay)
Depth: 1 to 3 m
Access: easily accessible due to touristically developed location, access through campsite area
The Mission
Our customers wanted to build a wakepark and add water skiing and wakeboarding to the range of water sports activities on the Kleiner Brombachsee. The municipality was very supportive and wanted a wakepark to be built in order to create a new sporting, tourist and economic centre for the region.
The region is relatively sparsely populated and generates most of its income from tourism. In addition, our customers are passionate wakeboarders and had the wish to make the sport more popular. So it wasn’t just about building a new business, it was a matter of the heart for them to bring wakeboarding to the region and to inspire people for it.
Our customers wanted a wakepark that would appeal to all ages and experience levels, from beginners to professionals. We were able to realize their ideas with the construction of a large 6-mast FSC system in Wakeparx premium-quality.
© Dan Deak Bardos

© Dan Deak Bardos
We built the wakeboard facility in a bay of Kleiner Brombachsee close to the campsite. The first task was to fill up a peninsula to create an enlarged beach area for the visitors. The starting dock is also located there. Backfilling the peninsula took a lot of time and effort. Tons of earth had to be moved. Sheet pile walls were driven into the soil to hold the backfilled earth in place. Once the peninsula was created, we began to set up the facilities. The topographical and water parameters were pretty easy to handle, so the work went on without complications.
The challenge was to adapt the wakeboard facility to the existing water body and the surrounding infrastructure. In addition, the construction phase had to be coordinated in such a way that the operation of the adjacent campsite could continue. Furthermore, protection requirements must be observed, as the environment around Absberg is a nature conservation area. Bird and water animal protection have high priority.
Together with our customers we have succeeded in building a wakepark that not only respects existing habitats, but also creates new space for plants and animals and a setting where human and nature can coexist peacefully.
© Dan Deak Bardos
Existing water body: adjustments to existing water body and infrastructure
Coordination: construction site work while maintaining ongoing operations
Nature protection regulations: landscape conversation area
- Soil & Property Conditions
- Location & Accessibility
Wakepark Brombachsee shows that a wakeboard facility is a decent solution to enhance tourist locations in rural areas. Our customers have generated a new thriving business and created a point of attraction that makes the entire region more attractive and draws lots of visitors every year. Wakepark Brombachsee is also a great example, when it comes to ecological sustainability and synergies between human and nature. Birds and aquatic animals have discovered parts of the facility as habitats and protected areas for themselves. Water quality in terms of blue-green algae has improved, as regular tests show. We assume that the water movements during wakeboarding bring more oxygen into the water and also in deeper layers. This leads to a better water quality, which in turn ist a prerequisite for a healthy ecosystem.
We are grateful and proud to have helped building Wakepark Brombachsee with our products and our manpower. At this point we would like to stress the remarkable company spirit of our customers and their staff. Visitor satisfaction as well as employee satisfaction comes first. The entire team does an exceptionally good job when it comes to dealing with guests. Visitors feel welcome and taken care of. It can be seen that every member of the team puts their heart into their work. The positive mindset is transmitted and creates the ideal conditions for a unique customer experience and a wonderful wakepark experience.
© Dan Deak Bardos
© Dan Deak Bardos
Client’s Summary
“Wakeparx helped us realize our visions and we are pleased that the team advises and supports us just as well today as they did back then. They have accompanied us through strenuous and difficult phases, overcome all hurdles with us and ensured that all processes ran correctly when things got more turbulent.
We appreciate the sincere and friendly relationship that has developed and strengthened over the years and we are very grateful to have such a reliable partner at our side.”
Andreas Ficker, CEO Wakepark Brombachsee
Care to see for yourself?
Address: Badehalbinsel 7 | 91720 Absberg, Germany
We gladly arrange on-site visits and contacts with clients and wakepark owners near you!
Get in touch!
Please contact us if you have questions or want to inquire about our services worldwide. Make sure to include all relevant information, like water depth and the size and type of the body of water to enable us to get a good understanding of your project’s circumstances. Don’t have the numbers at the ready or still doing research? Try our free online wakepark planning tool!