Building a wakepark in a structurally weak country
Wake Park Cambodia – Full Size Cable
Difficulty level: EASY
Project type: Leisure attraction under the aspect of social sustainability
Location: Siem Reap, Cambodia
Property: Wake Park Cambodia
Installation period: 2020
Product: 1x Wakeparx Full Size Cable
Specifications: 5-tower FSC-system, 6 carriers, cable length: 473,1 m, anti-clockwise
Initial Situation
With our full-size cable facility in premium Wakeparx quality we were able to help our clients to create a point of attraction for wakeboard fans from all over the world in the Cambodian metropolis Siem Reap and to build a successful and socially sustainable business.
Phnom Penh is the capital of Cambodia, but Siem Reap is the highlight of the country. The famous Pub Street and the proximity to the Angkor Wat temple complex are very popular with holidaymakers and day trippers.
The Wake Park Cambodia was an ambitious project from the very beginning. Its original purpose was not only to set up a lucrative business model, but also to establish a school where local children could learn to read and write. The project was initiated by the non-profit organization ICF Cambodia, which has set itself the goal of providing people in Cambodia with education and help for self-help for a better future.
The area on which the wakepark was planned to be built was privately owned and had been used for agricultural purposes. With a full-size facility in premium Wakeparx quality, the vision of a successful and socially sustainable business should become reality – and it did.

© Wake Park Cambodia
Baseline: former agricultural land
Soil: predominantly loamy soil
Water: 2 artificial lakes
Depth: 3-5 m
Access: easily accessible due to inner city location
The Mission
The mission was to establish a wakepark in a structurally weak region. Cambodia is one of the poorest countries in the world when it comes to average monthly income.
Compared to other Cambodian cities, however, Siem Reap occupies a special position. During the last years it has developed into a young and modern city, mainly because of tourism and ways of generating income relating to that.
With the construction of a wakepark, our clients wanted to create another attraction for Siem Reap in order to draw more tourists, create new jobs and provide educational opportunities for children. All of this was deeply linked to a moral mission.
The whole project was not only about establishing a successful business, but also about giving something back to the country and its people.

© Wake Park Cambodia
© Wake Park Cambodia
The site itself posed very few problems in terms of land and soil conditions. However, everything that was necessary for building a wakepark facility with surrounding infrastructure and making the site accessible had to be created first. That demanded high effort in planning and a lot of work. The site did not have an existing water body, so an artificial lake had to be built. This task was entrusted to a local construction company, that excavated two artificial lakes with a depth of two to three meters. Because of the loamy soil there was no need to lay foil, because loam performs like a natural sealing and prevents the water from seeping into underlying layers of soil.
The construction of our system was easy to realize, too. All masts were built on land and thus no anchoring in the water was necessary. However, the installation of our FSC system had to be coordinated with the lake construction, which required coordination skills.
The real challenges were on a different side: construction and opening of the wakepark coincided with the peak of the Corona pandemic. Due to strict entry and exit restrictions, we had to organize everything very well and plan our work schedule precisely. Thanks to the extremely dedicated team on site and because of very transparent and reliable communication, we were able to find a solution for every problem that evolved.
© Wake Park Cambodia
No existing water body: 2 artificial lakes had to be built
Coordination: installation of the facility had to be coordinated with lake construction
- Soil & Property Conditions
- Location & Accessibility
Wake Park Cambodia shows that a wakepark business with a cable park facility, a restaurant, a beach bar and an Aqua Park can work very well in Cambodia. The wakepark draws numerous tourists and locals every year and has developed into a popular leisure attraction. It also offers all kinds of potential for further expansion.
In the meantime, the school site ICF Cambodia has been relocated and the two operators, who had accompanied the construction of the facility from the beginning, have created a unique leisure site in Cambodia with a lot of heart and motivation. They are currently planning to start building bungalows and villas directly on the lake. This new resort, together with the restaurant, will enable them to set up their own hospitality school and manage everything entirely within the park in 2024.
We are happy and proud that we were able to make a decisive contribution to the development of the wakepark with our premium product and our work, and we are looking forward to seeing where its journey will take it.
© Wake Park Cambodia
© Wake Park Cambodia
Thank you!
Thank you for reading this far. If you’re interested in firsthand experiences, we’d be delighted to organize on-site visits and connect you with Wake Park Cambodia!
Address: 1 ICF Campus Road | Siem Reap, 17252 Cambodia
Get in touch!
Please contact us if you have questions or want to inquire about our services worldwide. Make sure to include all relevant information, like water depth and the size and type of the body of water to enable us to get a good understanding of your project’s circumstances. Don’t have the numbers at the ready or still doing research? Try our free online wakepark planning tool!